We also provide asynchronous plant compliance programs, predominantly in the wind generation sector. Our background in power generation systems, National Electricity Rules, AEMO Compliance Programs and reporting systems enables us to provide you with specialist independent advice and testing.
Our key focus is highly specialised compliance system design, testing and reporting.
Key information that our team collates and designs compliance testing plans against include:
- National Electricity Rules
- AEMO Generator Compliance Program Templates
- Customer Generator Compliance Programs, which we review and ensure meet the NER and AEMO requirements
- Customer Generator Performance Standards, which define the plants performance requirements in detail.
Our team are specialists in the following compliance testing activities:
- Automatic Voltage Regulator (transformer tap changer) and VAR control function testing
- Inverter testing
- Turbine protection and control testing
- Generator, kiosk transformer and step up transformer protection relay testing
- Power quality and harmonic testing
- Communications and SCADA testing
Testing in this field is highly specialised. We are based and experienced in South Australia and do not rely on interstate contractors for your testing in South Australia. We supply and connect all equipment, and perform all AVR testing and protection testing in conjunction with your site rules, making the process simplified and streamlined for your operators. Our tests are designed to limit plant outages, and minimise any plant risk from remote laptop based interstate testing.